It’s time to draw your line in the sand!
As conservative Christians, our best weapon in the political and faith arenas is the WORD OF GOD! Texans have been staking land for years with scripture declaring God’s authority over the land (His creation) and His people (also His creation).
We have witnessed miracles over and over:
- People’s hearts change.
- Incumbents change.
- Votes change.
- Rulings change.
- Evil leaves when authority is proclaimed.
The truth of God’s Word is the one constant and that is what we’re endorsing.
Staking the land is a prophetic act. It points to a future of goodness and righteousness to replace evil and disobedience. It sets land aside in dedication to God, giving Him dominion through Jesus.
God wanted His people to place his word on their dwellings. God’s people were commanded to do this in Deuteronomy 6. They put God’s Word on their bodies and property, including gates and door posts.